Tuesday, December 7, 2010

tis the season to spend all your money

i love christmas. i love getting people presents. finding the perfect gift for someone is a gift in and of itself. But i'm sure everyone has a tight budget this christmas season with the economy being so low and jobs being so sparse.

here are some helpful hints:
  • compare prices before you buy. even if you are planning on going to an actual store, go online and check out prices. gather some knowledge about the product before you buy. then if you find a lower price online, but dont want to pay shipping. Tell someone you found it cheaper, see if they will match the price. worst case scenario they say no. best case: you save some money and feel like a champion bargainer.
  • Make gifts. this sometimes comes out to about the same price, but it usually means a lot more to the recipient. besides, what says love like home made? You can get a box of cheap ornaments and some paint and make personalized ornaments. or cookies. everyone loves cookies. check out some helpful dyi sites.
  • re-use old christmas bags. no need to keep buying new ones. recycle that! plus its more eco-friendly.
  • coupons! home made coupons. good for family. Like ie: good for one home made dinner. or good for one clean house. something simple that makes it easier on your family is always appreciated.
  • Secret santa with your friends. if all of you are on a tight budget, dont worry about getting everyone something. trade names and set a price limit. its just as much fun. plus it gives you guys and extra excuse to get together for a party.
  • Dollar general and thrift store it up for your decorating needs. Sometimes they surprise you with what they have.
  • donate any thing you dont use anymore to salvation army or goodwill, spread the good cheer.

Those are just a few ideas. Hope your holidays are filled with warm houses, warm wishes, and warm people.

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