Wednesday, December 29, 2010

operation recovery.

Well i dont know about you, but i had a pretty enjoyable christmas. it was my first christmas not with my family. luckily the people i was with made me feel right at home. but now that i've eaten about 15 pounds of tasty foods and completely wrecked my house, its time to put some order back into things. here's the dilemma: i work. A LOT. and i'm tired. A LOT. this means absolutely no motivation to clean. and with new years right around the corner, i've gotta get my shit together. i thought a lot of us might be having the same issue, so i might as well throw out a few suggestions of how i motivate myself.

1) i always clean when i'm home alone. (why you may ask? so i can crank up the music my room mate hates, dance like an idiot, and clean in my underwear)

2) make a goal. but a reasonable small one. i.e. today im going to clean the bathroom. instead of, today i have to clean my whole house. this is usually helpful because then the task isn't so daunting, and once i start cleaning i get into the cleaning mode and usually end up doing the whole house anyways.

3) make daily to do lists. don't put more than seven things on them. that way the list still looks long, but you can find time to do most of the stuff between jobs and sleep. plus there is a nice satisfaction to crossing something off a list. and it helps to you to organize and prioritize.

4) holidays dont mean dieting to me. or overstuffing my face. (even though i would love nothing better) This year i did a pretty good job. I ate just about everything. but instead of my normal mammoth sized portions i just to a small sample of everything. No belly ache, and room for dessert. plus i didnt have to wear my thanksgiving pants. So for the holidays remember: indulge , but dont OVERindulge.

see you in the new year!

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