Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hello and welcome to the real world.

First a few tips: in the real world, no one cares if you are sick. Or having a bad day. Suck it up and do your job.
Also, life is not fair. Get used to it.

And now for a brief introduction. I am a recent college graduate. I spent all my non-existent money going to school for ponies. I spent about 35 grand a year. I was spat out last summer on my butt into this harsh lighting of existence. Luckily I am pretty good at surviving. I currently have two jobs that hardly pay, a nice but EXPENSIVE apartment, a great boyfriend, and not much free time.

This blog is a ranting place, a place for tips on being thrifty, a place for my mind to unwind, and hopefully overall a successful survival story. Please join me weekly as i take you on my journey.

This week's topic: stress. This week one of my bosses at one of my jobs has to fly home. Family medical emergency. That means, I get all her hours, students, and worries. (Its a barn manager job fyi). Plus i still have my other job, my students, and my worries. add on top of that, a bruised rib and a respiratory infection.

BUT: here are my helpful hints for destressing.
1) call a friend and just vent. thats what friends are for. trust me, you will feel better.
2) take a bath. i love baths. something about the feeling of being surrounded in water is just relaxing to me.
3) watch a funny show or a comedian, nothing like a good dose of laughter to make you feel better.
4) clean. i know this is a weird one, but something about a tidy environment helps my brain to focus and make plans to organize the rest of my day/week, which leads to less stress.
5) treat yourself. either with a small present or some candy or making a batch of cookies. You are awesome, you deserve it.

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